Case Studies

Case study objectives

  • 1. To provide information on private and member state marketing standards.
  • 2. To provide estimates of FW caused by marketing standards.
  • 3. To provide insight on the trade-offs between FW reduction and other objectives.
  • 4. To support development of agent-based and economic models and validate their results.
  • 5. To co-create recommendations on preventing FW due to marketing standards and to enhance market access to suboptimal foods.
Case studies map
Fruit & vegetables

  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Slovenia
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • The Netherlands

Fruit and vegetables sector


  • Reduce FW related to visual irregularities and shelf life
  • Evaluate impact of marketing standards and the link with consumer behaviour
  • Create a common ground in the sector regarding the identification of FW
  • Raise awareness with consumers
  • Open communication with all stakeholders

Data collection:

  • Interviews, focus groups, IT tools, documents and reports, survey
case study partners

  • Belgium
  • EU

Meat sector


  • Identify hot spots regarding FW in the sector and create a common ground regarding the identification of FW
  • Evaluate the impact of food marketing standards on FW
  • Identifying discarding of byproducts
  • Reducing the downgrading of high quality products

Data collection:

  • Surveys, meetings and interviews
case study partners

  • Italy
  • Slovenia

Cereal sector


  • Reduce FW related to visual irregularities and shelf life
  • Studying existing marketing standards and evaluate impact
  • Implementing methodology for collecting FW data
  • Exploring options to reduce FW

Data collection:

  • Interviews, IT tools, focus groups
case study partners

  • Denmark

Eggs sector


  • Identify hot spots regarding FW in the sector
  • Create a common ground in the sector regarding the identification of FW
  • Evaluate impact of marketing standards

Data collection:

  • Interviews & survey
Eggs sector partner logo

  • Spain

Fish sector


  • Secure better price
  • Get a better understanding of the balance between input/output and demand

Data collection:

  • Survey
case study partners