September 23, 2024

BREADCRUMB presented at the 2024 Food Waste Report Event in Rome

On September 16, 2024, BREADCRUMB partner the University of Bologna (UNIBO)  took part in the official presentation of the 2024 IV Report of the  Waste Watcher International Observatory: Food waste in G7 countries, from analysis to action. The event, held in Rome, gathered experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the ongoing challenge of reducing food waste on a global scale..

Simone Prospero, from UNIBO’s Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, had the pleasure of presenting the BREADCRUMB project. In addition to BREADCRUMB, UNIBO colleagues Filippo Pini and Andrea Nozzoli presented two other Horizon Europe projects: CHORIZO  and FOLOU, both of which address different aspects of food waste across the supply chain. Irene Bedosti also introduced the #foodCIRCUS project, an Interreg Europe initiative focused on promoting sustainable food systems through the principles of the circular economy.

The BREADCRUMB project consortium, along with University of Bologna (UNIBO), extends their gratitude to SprecoZero for organizing this insightful event, which underscored the vital role of academic research in combating the global food waste crisis. The BREADCRUMB project is honored to have been featured in the discussions and in SprecoZero’s magazine, and looks forward to continuing its efforts to drive meaningful change within the food supply chain.

Programme of the event